Working together for an
Africa free from

We work with governments, communities and donors to replace orphanages with sustainable child protection systems
We do this by building know-how and an evidence base, supporting political and legal change, developing skilled social work forces and developing sustainable funding models
We are a growing collective of locally-led African organisations, bringing together our collective voices, knowledge, practice and experience to strengthen families.
We are working towards our vision of an Africa free of orphanages, where all children have safe and loving families. We have over 20 member organisations representing 12 African nations

5.4m children…
…are spending their childhoods in orphanages across the world
Orphanages are rife with abuse and neglect. And, what’s more, 80% of children in the care of orphanages have at least one living parent who could take care of them. Only families can provide the love and sense of belonging that children need to grow and flourish.
Transform Alliance Africa has a vision of an Africa, free of orphanages, where all children belong and grow up in safe and loving families.
We know that together we are stronger. Our expertise has value because it comes from the ground up and supports grass-roots change at local and government level.

Many countries worldwide have
consigned orphanages to the history books.
Why should Africa be the exception?
“… the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding”
– UN Convention on the Rights of the Child