An African schoolchild draws on a blackboard with chalk

TAA Resources

Submissions, fact sheets and publications from Transform Alliance Africa

Statement – Protect Children in Sudan’s Child Care Institutions during Crises

“Like many other countries, Sudan still operates orphanages for children who have been deprived of parental care. According to the United Nations World report on Violence Against Children, children in institutions are 6 times more…” read more

Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Day of General Discussion on Children’s Rights and Alternative Care 2021

“Children without parental care in Africa are among the most vulnerable and disregarded groups of children. Now is the time for governments to design, build and maintain sustainable child protection systems. Too many of the ….” read more

COVID-19: Action for Children Without Parental Care in Africa

“The COVID-19 pandemic and governments response to it have led to pervasive poverty and shocking levels of violence against children in Africa. Even before the pandemic, children without adequate parental care were categorised as…” read more

TAA Kampala Declaration 2018 

This Declaration is a call to African governments to commit to take actions geared towards promoting care reform and ensure that all children in Africa grow and thrive in safe and loving families. This call was made by Transform Alliance Africa members and partners when… read more

TAA Country Fact Sheet-Rwanda 

This Fact Sheet provides an overview of child care and protection in Rwanda; it highlights existing social protection programs linked or that could be aligned to care and protection, provide an overview of key policy and legislative frameworks, alternative care approaches, and… read more

TAA Country Fact Sheet: Sudan

This Fact Sheet provides an overview of child care and protection in Sudan; it highlights existing social protection programs linked or that could be aligned to care and protection, provide an overview of… read more

TAA Country Fact Sheet-South Africa 

This Fact Sheet provides an overview of child care and protection in South Africa; it highlights existing social protection programs linked or that could be aligned to care and protection, provide an overview of key policy and… read more

TAA Country Fact Sheet-Ghana 

This Fact Sheet provides an overview of child care and protection in Ghana; it highlights existing social protection programs linked or that could be aligned to care and protection, provide an overview of key policy and legislative frameworks, alternative… read more

TAA Country Fact Sheet-Tanzania 

This Fact Sheet provides an overview of child care and protection in Tanzania; it highlights existing social protection programs linked or that could be aligned to care and protection, provide an overview of key policy and legislative frameworks, alternative care approaches, and… read more

TAA Country Fact Sheet-Uganda 

This Fact Sheet provides an overview of child care and protection in Uganda; it highlights existing social protection programs linked or that could be aligned to care and protection, provide an overview of key policy and legislative… read more

TAA Country Fact Sheet-Kenya

This Fact Sheet provides an overview of child care and protection in Kenya; it highlights existing social protection programs linked or that could be aligned to care and protection, provide an overview of key policy and legislative frameworks, alternative care… read more

Prioritizing Families and Communities

Prioritizing Families and Communities brochure provides key information on Transform Alliance Africa in a snapshot. It explains the reasons behind our vision of an Africa free of orphanages where all children grow and belong in safe and loving families, our… read more

Ending Institutional Care in Africa Questions & Answers 

Ending Institution Care in Africa: Questions and Answers is a resource that provides substantively researched answers to a range of frequently asked questions about children living in institutions popularly known as orphanages and children’s homes in many parts of Africa. Some of the featured questions include; why is it necessary to move… read more

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